#HooplaHalloween: Spooky Phrases Practice Workbook
So portable and easy you can practice anywhere — even a toddler playroom! Just look out for sticky fingers and flying dolls.
Gang, it’s almost here. We are officially at that time of year where the refrain from the Nightmare Before Christmas song “This is Halloween” plays on a loop in my head. If you’ve taken any of my classes, either in-person or online, you know that whatever I am into at the time guides my calligraphy practice. Reading a great book? I’ll practice with quotes. Livin’ la vida loca? I’ll practice with names of cocktails. Binging The Last Podcast on the Left? I’ll practice with the names of cryptids and serial killers. So this time of year, my practice is all about the spooky — and I thought I’d share!
Click the button below to get a free download of my Halloween Phrases Mini Workbook. In this mini workbook, you’ll find 6 spooky words or phrases you can use to help you practice your calligraphy. Here’s how it works:
Download the free mini workbook and print on standard printer paper — don’t use glossy paper!
You can script directly on the worksheet OR you slide the worksheet under a piece of layout bond. Layout bond is transparent enough that you can see through to the worksheet and trace just as you would without it — the only difference is that by using the layout bond, you’ll get longer use out of your worksheet since you won’t need to print a new one every time.
When you’re ready, trace over the gray strokes with your brush pen (I recommend using a small brush pen, such as a Tombow Fudenosuke or Pentel Sign Brush). You’ll notice that the word/phrase is broken down into individual strokes. Be sure to start there! Once you’ve traced the strokes, you can trace the full word — then try it on your own.
Once you have a pretty good handle on scripting the word (notice I did not say scripting the word PERFECTLY — we don’t mess with perfection around here — totally overrated), take the phrases you’ve practiced out of the workbook and into your dot grid journal. Test out new styles, colors and layouts.
Better yet? When you feel comfortable scripting out the words/phrases, use them in real life! Script them on tags for Halloween goodies (this is GREAT if you live in a BOOing neighborhood), a candy bar wrapper, a note in your child’s lunch box, or just a Post-It stuck on your co-worker’s cube. There’s no need for a special occasion to use your calligraphy skills IRL.
Be sure to share your practice and any final products on Instagram with tag #hooplahalloween. Remember, every post is an entry to win a FREE online class of your choice — winners will be drawn on Instagram Live Stories on Halloween. Check out this blog post for more details.
Be sure to let me know if you have any questions in the comments below. I cannot WAIT to see what you do. Spooky scripting, everyone!